Applied Democracy Exchanges: Communities as Classrooms, Students as Citizens
For the sixth session of Applied Democracy Exchanges, the Mathews Center welcomed faculty mentors, Mark Wilson and Nan Fairley, from Auburn University’s Living Democracy program, an immersive summer civic experience serving the communities of Camden, Chatom, Collinsville, and Elba. The event featured previous and present student interns as well as community partners to discuss more about the impact of the students’ civic learning experiences. The Living Democracy program is coordinated by both the Caroline Marshall Draughon Center for the Arts and Humanities in the College of Liberal Arts at Auburn University and the David Mathews Center for Civic Life.

Applied Democracy Exchanges: Reviving Public Responsibility in Legal Systems
For the fifth session of Applied Democracy Exchanges, the Mathews Center invited Carla Crowder, Executive Director of the Alabama Appleseed Center for Law & Justice, and Thomas Rains, Executive Director of the Judge Frank M. Johnson, Jr. Institute, to share about the work they are doing in their communities and the people of Alabama to promote the connection between the justice system and citizens’ trust in the institution.

Applied Democracy Exchanges: Exploring the Connection Between Social and Physical Health
For the fourth session of Applied Democracy Exchanges, the Mathews Center invited Kristin Boggs, Executive Director of the Alabama Schweitzer Fellowship, and Dr. John Dorsey, Founder and Executive Director of Project Horseshoe Farm, to share about the work that they are doing in their communities to promote the connection between physical and civic health.

Applied Democracy Exchanges: The Women Who Helped Shape the State
For the third session of Applied Democracy Exchanges, the Mathews Center invited Dr. Valerie Burnes from the University of West Alabama and Heather Daniels-Whitson from Alabama Public Television to share the work of their organizations in uplifting Alabama’s most inspiring women throughout our state’s history.

Applied Democracy Exchanges: Highlighting Local Black History in Alabama
For the second session of Applied Democracy Exchanges, the Mathews Center invited Dr. Kathy King to share the work of the Montevallo Legacy Project, which protects, preserves, interprets, and educates about the history and culture of under-represented communities in Montevallo.

Applied Democracy Exchanges Officially Commence in 2023
The Mathews Center officially launched the Applied Democracy Exchanges conversation series with Dr. David Mathews in 2023. These monthly discussions, held every third Thursday, focus on the current perils and future promises of democracy in the U.S. and abroad. Held both live online and in-person, participants will explore a unique, democracy-related theme each month.

Applied Democracy Exchanges (ADE)
Join us every third Thursday to discuss the current perils and future promises of democracy.