DMC Hosts the 2022 JOIP Intern Retreat

The David Mathews Center for Civic Life hosted the second virtual JOIP Intern Retreat on Friday, February 25, 2022. Over 20 students and faculty mentors from five universities across the state met via Zoom to get to know each other, learn about the DMC, and share their upcoming JOIP projects for the Spring semester.

DMC Executive Director Rachel Mosness and Education Director Zara Greene facilitated the first official meeting of the 2021-2022 JOIP cohort. Students were treated to a brief presentation about the Mathews Center and the important role they fulfill as student interns.

DMC board member Marsha Folsom joined the call to discuss her experiences working with Dr. David Mathews and to impart the wisdom she received as a mentee of Mrs. Jean O’Connor Snyder. “Students find their true potential through service to their communities,” she shared. 

Auburn University faculty mentor Nan Fairley presented on solutions journalism and how students can share their community-based experiences this summer through their writing. By finding those aspects of a community that personally affect them, students provide unique and meaningful stories that resonate with all Alabamians. Stay tuned for JOIP intern-published pieces this summer as part of the Civic Dispatch blog series!

The DMC is grateful for our partnerships with each university facilitated through the JOIP program and look forward to being a part of their programming this year!

Since the Jean O’Connor-Snyder Internship Program (JOIP) began in 2008, the DMC has partnered with over a dozen of Alabama’s colleges and universities, nearly 250 students, and myriad communities across the state to create unique community-based learning experiences. These experiences provide college students the opportunity to collaborate with community members in addressing common concerns through the use of deliberative practices. Each internship is a unique partnership between the DMC, an institution of higher education, and a community partner. You can learn more about the program’s namesake—Mrs. Jean O’Connor-Snyder—here.

If you would like to apply for the 2022-23 JOIP cohort, please read more about the current request for proposals here.


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