Announcing the Return of Matching Donations

Last year, the Mathews Center launched our Annual Fund to better fulfill our mission to strengthen civic life across Alabama. A generous donor came forward with an offer to match the gifts we received, and we are delighted to report that this offer has been extended: all donations received by September 30, 2022, up to a maximum of $85,000, will be matched dollar for dollar. 

Your participation in the DMC’s Annual Fund will enable us to accomplish four key goals: 

  1. Create more experiential internships for college students throughout the state. 

  2. Expand our teacher-training workshops. 

  3. Produce new issue guides on topics ranging from history and economics to education and the environment. 

  4. Create new programs that respond to the needs and opportunities highlighted in our Civic Health Index.


By supporting these efforts, you’ll help us fulfill our mission to strengthen Alabama’s civic life. Please partner with us in this vital work by making a gift to our Annual Fund today.


DMC Invited to Speak at 2022 ALM Conference


Applications Open for 2022-2023 McKenzie Civic Fellowship